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Part No. Quantity Brand D/C Price Remark Update
S3C2440A-40 540pcs SAMSUNG 2007+ BGA PACKAGE,2days
SAA7114H 1500pcs PHI 2007+,ROHS QFP-100
SKHJACA010 4000pcs ALPS 2007+ 200/bag,ROHS,new and orignial IN STOCK
SKHMPDA010 20000pcs ALPS 2008+ ROHS,new and orignial,4-6weeks
SKHMQLE010 12000pcs ALPS 2007+,ROHS 3000/reel,NEW and ORIGINAL,in stock
SKQUDBE010 4200pcs ALPS 2009+ in stock now
SKRPACE010 40000pcs ALPS 2008+,ROHS new and original,IN STOCK
SMDA05 80000pcs SEMTECH 2006+ SOP-8
SN755867 500pcs TI 2006+ QFP-100,new and original
SPPB530601 3000pcs ALPS 2008+ new and original,1day
SPVR110100 7500pcs ALPS 2009+ in stock,2500/REEL
SRF7065S 180pcs MOT 2005+ 2days
SSG45C120 50PCS SANREX 2002+
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